Providing women with the tools and resources they need to be successful entrepreneurs...

Women In Gear: School of Makeup Artistry
We are here to see you succeed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Understanding the Law of Attraction

"If you can dream it you can become it"

How many of us have heard this inspirational quote? How many of us really believe it? 
Most of us have heard it but can it really be true, that if we dream about it, we can create or become something we are not? Is seeing the vision of oneself living in or being in the company of the dream enough to make it a reality? I believe the answer is yes we can if we are not only willing to dream but are willing to put action in our lives to achieve it.
I have an adventurous spirit, willing to seize almost every opportunity that comes my way. Yes it’s true, I do have a daring side ready to seek out new and exciting adventures and the spirit of one who can accommodate most any situation, but those who know me and know me well, could argue that I may not be as bold as that sounds. 
I tend to go home early and take life a little more serious than the person next to me. I am however courageous in my life and love to see what might be around the next corner.  But here is the truth; I usually have created the scenario in my head long before I turn the corner and long before it even became an opportunity.
When I was a young girl living in rural America dreaming was part of my everyday routine. I dreamed that someday I would live in a place where I could be around lots of people and I would attend grand events and I would get to meet famous people. I would wear beautiful dresses and beautiful shoes and I would get to dance in a room full of twinkling lights. I would have lots of friends and I would see the world. I would marry a gorgeous, kind and successful man. I would be a business woman and sit among my peers discussing important topics that affect the women of the world, and where I would have the opportunity to help others while making my own dreams come true. 
These are the dreams of many young women, the dreams that I had while walking home from school in a town so small we didn’t even have a stop light and we traveled thirty miles just to get our groceries. 
From someone looking into this picture you would think I would never be able to fulfill any of those dreams.  And yet all of those visions of my childhood have come true, those dreams and many more.
As life goes we grow up and we tend to stop dreaming or at least we think we do.
My dreaming is of a different kind now. I am a living the law of attraction, I think good thoughts, I envision my future, I do what I can to create outcomes that make my dreams or wishes a reality and I research every opportunity to determine its value. I seek the outcomes I am looking for and I make sure to focus on the achievement in a new and positive way. It is very hard to explain to someone the law of attraction when most days you are not even sure how it happens. 
Let me give you some tips that work for me. 
I have trained my brain to think in a positive manner. Even when something bad happens I tend to put it out of my mind quickly or I just put a positive spin on it. I genuinely adore my family and my friends and I never let negative conversation into my life. Complaining is not in my vocab and I shut out those conversations from my world. I think about the joy in my life as opposed to the pain I may have had. I even overcome personal physical pain with positive thoughts. I delve into my muscles with my mind and get them to open up and breathe. Sounds corny I know but it works.
Here is just one story of the power of attraction in my life.
I have always wanted to live near the water, always. There was never a time that a body of water didn’t give me pleasure upon seeing it. I could be driving over a bridge and a strong feeling of peace comes over me and I at once feel calm and content. My current home had a small creek running out behind the house; I could never see this body of water because the trees, bushes and tall grasses have kept it from my view. This was okay because I knew it was there and at night I could hear it running if I opened my window, then last summer a beaver built a house down steam in my little creek. Guess what, I now have a pond right behind my house and although I cannot see it in the summer because of all the obstructions I can see it clearly in the winter when all the leaves are gone and the grass has died. 
This friend is the power of attraction. So here is my advice to you. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.



Reading Resources:
The Secret
The Law of Attraction Wikipedia

Thursday, August 21, 2014

From Nepal an American Success Story

Talking about successful women made me realize I didn't have to look very far to find one in my own circle of friends. Her name is Sweta and she is just a girl from Nepal who has become an American Success Story.
Sweta Lamichhane
Although I have a plethora of acquaintances I have but a handful of very close friends. They come in a wide range of ages and they vary in professional passions but I can tell you one thing they all have in common, they are compassionate, hard working and honest.
One of those friends is a young woman who has achieved much and overcome even more in her life. She is an entrepreneur, an actor, a musician, a philanthropist, a survivor of teenage bullying and a woman of great compassion and accomplishment.
Where do I begin? How about at the beginning?
Coming from the small country of Nepal and the city of Kathmandu she moved to the United States at a very young age living on the East Coast with her loving family living what everyone thought was the "American Dream" but after years of being bullied by her classmates in high school this adventurous young girl decided to enter the United States Marine Corp.
Trying to escape the harsh reality of teenage life in the US she entered what would be the toughest job of her life. This seemed like the perfect place to rebuild her strength and her courage and to overcome the pain she had suffered during what should have been her wonder years. And she would tell you it did just that, "in the Marines we are all equal, eveyone is just trying to survive and come out on the other side."
What would become one of the most defining moments in her life came when it was discovered in her home country that she had entered the US Marine Corp.
You see she was the very first woman in her country to ever enter the military, the very first. Imagine the buzz created when it was discovered she had entered one of the toughest Military sectors in the world. She has become something of a National Treasure in her home country of Nepal and it is easy to see why.
After time spent building her self esteem in the Marines this charming young woman ventured out to the Gold Coast of California, the acting bug had caught her and as it turned out she was pretty good at it, getting many side roles on TV shows and even on set for a few big screen movies. She had overcome so much in her life and it appeared she was living the life we all dream of, yet still her passions were not ignited.
What was she looking for? What was her true calling? Where did she belong?
When she started to look at her life it looked like she belonged back home with her family on the East Coast and this would be where her true story of success and love was about to unfold.
She entered the world of beauty, going back to school and getting her education in skincare. She had no idea she would enjoy this field of study so much as it happens she not only loved it but she was very good at it. Five years later she is now a Master Esthetician, a Permanent Makeup Artist, a Master Level Makeup Artist and an Instructor for all of these professions. She now teaches at a very successful post secondary skincare institute and shares her love of beauty with her students.
She started the Care for Karnali foundation giving back to the children of Nepal by providing the children of Karnali the opportunity to receive an education through scholarships, and in turn, empowering them to better their future and all aspects of their lives.
She started her own skincare and cosmetic business where she shares skincare products and the business opportunity with other women who have a passion for skincare and beauty. She empowers other women and gives back some of what was taken away from her as a teenage girl. You can visit her company website here
She fell in love with a wonderful man who is her biggest supporter and they are engaged to be married in the fall.
Semper fi is exactly who this woman is, always faithful to those she cares for and those she wants to empower.
She is a woman to love and a woman to admire and I am blessed to call her a friend.



Thursday, August 7, 2014

Is there really work from home success?

Have you ever wondered if you really could work from home?
If so, what could you do to make a decent living and earn enough to be successful?
Here is what I tell friends when they want to know more about direct sales, multi-level marketing and work from home opportunitites and is it possible to be successful in these jobs?
I share a story about an amazing young woman.
From Shy to Success:
She joined her Direct Sales company because she was looking for a "work from home opportunity". What could this art student and stay at home Mom do that could get her a small income so she could have some spending money and get her involved socially with others? She decided she wanted to share the products that she had used that had cleared up her Adult Acne. She already knew they worked and that they were quality products plus she hadher own personal testimonial to share.
She is a "Stay at Home Mom" and she was living in a new town with no close friends living near by. She had less than 100 friends on her Facebook page and she had never even heard of Direct Sales.
When she started to discuss her desire to join a direct sales business she was discouraged by many who said those companies are just scams. Yet, she decided to take a Leap of Faith on herself and give it a try. She spent every day reading every piece of information her sponsor sent to her. She did her research and learned everything she could about the company. She started following others in the company who were successful and inspirational. She slowly began to gain courage in herself and began reaching out to meet new people. In her own quiet way she had become a networker.
She began to make 100's of new friends online and in person and showed strong signs of leadership. She made videos showing others her beautiful skin and the fun she was having working from home while meeting new people. She was talking to people all over the US, Europe and even New Zealand. Four months into her new business she was making so many new friends she could barely keep up.
She was teaching her sponsor new ways to network and make friends. She never hesitated to share all she was learning with others and taught most of her sponsors team how to do some of the things she was doing to be successful.
Six months after starting her new business venture, her company and her team sold over $10,000 in products. In month seven she made enough money to purchase her very first new car.
You never need to ask me if Direct Sales work?
I am watching it work and it is changing lives everyday "one in particular" and I am so happy to call her a friend and I am so proud of the leader she has become.
She made me a promise last week at her company convention, a promise that still brings tears to my eyes, "I will walk across that stage as one of the highest ranking people in this company next year and I will be taking you with me" Yes!!! She will be leading the way.
I love you for your courage and your passion. You are a true hero to me.

Brittany @miss_brittie

Thursday, July 17, 2014

5 Traits of a Successful Entrepeneur

By: Toni Thomas

Many of you know I started my life as a business entrepreneur at the very young age of 29 when I opened my first store front business.  Although I was likely an entrepreneur long before I opened my first business, I just had a way of sharing my passions with others and getting people to share my enthusiasm.  To me the word entrepreneur has always been closely related to sharing our passions with others successfully.

I have now been an entrepreneur for the past 20 years and although not always on the upside of money I was always on the up side of life and everything I learned about the world of business I learned on my own. I spent many years watching others in business and trying to understand why some are successful and why others seem to struggle. Here is what I have observed about those we find to be successful entrepreneurs.
1.       No Shame
Successful entrepreneurs have no shame. No shame in who they are and no shame in what they do. They move forward with complete confidence that everyone they meet wants to know who they are and what they do. They know that what they do and what they have to offer is the best and that everyone should have the opportunity to share in their products or services. They tell everyone they know and everyone they meet exactly what they do and how they do it. They never let a single opportunity pass by without sharing their ideas with others.
2.       Complete Confidence
Every successful entrepreneur I know has an aura about them that is so hard to describe. Although I’m going to call it confidence I’m not sure that word does them justice. They have confidence but so much more. They have a complete understanding of who they are, what they want and where they are going. To be next to a successful entrepreneur is like getting struck by lightning and enjoying it. The electricity is so powerful you are unable to pull away and yet you know you don’t want to be anywhere else. These folks have a hard time leaving a room, no one wants the energy to be gone, and the letdown is just too great.
3.       Assertiveness
Have you ever wanted to say something so bad but you hold back and let the moment pass. Well a successful entrepreneur never lets the moment pass. They speak in truths all the time. They say exactly what’s on their mind and never do it in a way that makes us feel uncomfortable. They point out issues the moment they see them and have no fear of repercussion because for them there are none. They know they owe their successes only to their abilities and they have no patience for wasteful conversation and unacceptable behavior. They never mince words and always put it all on the line.
4.       Focus
All successful entrepreneurs live in their passions and their ability to see the future. Successful entrepreneurs never waiver from where they are going and always focus on completing the task, their ability to create the future is how they define their successes. There is no compromise for them. The outcome is well defined and their focus is always on the mark.
5.       Plan
No successful entrepreneur goes into any project without a well thought out plan that has been put to paper. They strategize followed quickly by implementation. They never let ideas sit on the sidelines. Even a bad idea has to be explored just in case it leads to a better idea. They always follow through and never fail to follow up. Every successful entrepreneur I know would say the fortune is in the follow up.
Successful entrepreneurs have proven that their best traits have allowed them to be dynamic in a world which is ever changing. I for one want to be on the other side of success and know that each of you have the ability to be there as well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

15 Awesome Jobs that Actually Exist by Jessica Solomon

15 Awesome Jobs that Actually Exist

Forget settling, forget traditional. Turn the office into your playground with out-of-the-box careers.
The only question you’ll ask is where to start.
1. Beer Tester
Sample a variety of brews to pinpoint defining characteristics and tastes. Malt or hops? Thin or thick? Let’s hope your pallet has developed enough to determine the differences – and to know if they were intentional. One last thing, you better love the taste of beer or else this job could be miserable.
2. Ski Patroller
Shred the ski mountain while ensuring both tourists and locals stay on the safe side. You’ll never miss fresh tracks on a powder day or be limited by the ski area boundaries. Don’t get me wrong, the 9-hour ski days can be tough on the legs. Bonuses include (but are not limited to): jumping to the front of the lift line, getting awesome free ski gear, and rocking a goggle tan year round.
3. Mobile Application Developer
Rewind five years: neither Instagram, SnapChat, nor Angry Birds even existed. Fast-forward to today and anything we can think of doing is now at our disposal in the palm of our hands. Popularity and importance of cell phones has reached an outstanding level, and the consumer demand to keep up with the latest trends is endless. As an app developer, you would be responsible for creating, writing, and implementing innovative applications to be used on mobile devices, ultimately revolutionizing the future of communication and instant access.
4. Fortune Cookie Writer
Ever felt you have some sixth sense you’re just itching to share? Or started a book to realize you only had the first sentence? In two sentences you possess the power to change the course of someone’s day, if not their life. Share your imaginative side in the luxury of your own home, but don’t be fooled: you’ll need to come up with endless fortunes to keep up with the 6+ million cookies consumed daily.
5. Toy Tester
Here, work and play are synonymous. Channel your inner kid by testing products that have yet to hit the consumer market. In addition to ensuring these toys are fun and visually appealing, you will gauge their profitability and safety.
6. Special Effects Crew
As a Special Effects Crew member you work in what is called the Prop Shop where you build and rig the equipment needed to pull off stunts and gags. This may include mechanized props, scale models, pyrotechnics, make-up prosthetics, or simulated weather conditions like fog, rain, and wind. If you spent your childhood building things just to knock them down, the Prop Shop will seem like the ultimate adult playground.
7. Ice Cream Taster
Yes, this is as great as it sounds: ice cream for breakfast and lunch. Your days may consist of tasting 30 samples before noon (sorry mom), or imagining new flavor combinations that could be the next mint chocolate chip.
8. Mattress Jumper
For all those times your parents told you to quit jumping on the bed, you can now argue it was practice – for work! High-end mattress companies actually require a human to jump on their products multiple times, compressing the cotton interior and creating the perfect density. This is real physical labor; you must eliminate all lumps and pay attention to details because just a few too many jumps can throw off the comfort level. I know this seems like a job fit for a restless child, but it really takes work!
9. Academic Interventionist
You’re like a safety net for kids who are unable to keep up in class. Each state has a set of learning standards used to determine who moves on to the next grade. But kids can fall below state standards for a number of reasons: speech impediments, emotional problems, physical disabilities, or serious illnesses that keep them out of school. So the work of an Academic Interventionist begins with identifying the kids who are in danger of falling below these standards, and then help them catch up.
10. Body Part Model
Top agencies are looking for people who have exceptional features to showcase certain products. Your flawless wrists don’t have to go unnoticed, your shiny hair can be appreciated, and your great fingernail beds will finally get some credit. Unlike regular models, body part models are anonymous, come in all shapes and sizes, and can showcase many different types of products.
11. Feng Shui Consultant
Help others improve productivity, opportunity, and peace of mind by taking interior design one step further. Feng Shui relies on ancient Chinese art and science to create a positive atmosphere, which will then impact ones life. You will be tasked with arranging the energy flow of an area to ensure health, good fortune, and success.
12. Linguist
How did words get their meaning? Theoretical linguists explore this through grammar, syntax, semantics, etymology, and phonetics (the sound of language), while practical linguists focus on the use and application of language. Because you understand language, you understand communication, which means you’ve got many employment options, including software development, teaching, or analytics.
13. Cruise Ship Entertainer
This job rocks for a number of reasons. For one, you will have the opportunity to travel around the world to some of the most memorable and geographically beautiful countries. Two, cruises are awesome. You’ll get to interact with happy vacationers, and your sole purpose will be to make their trip even better. Explore the open waters, visit ancient sites, and visit unheard of islands, all while giving others an unforgettable (and amusing) performance – it doesn’t get much better than this.
14. Private Island Caretaker
Notorious as “the best job in the world,” life in an island paradise seems too good to be true. Take advantage of a near permanent and rent-free vacation by simply keeping someone else’s property in top condition. Spend endless sunny days enjoying an array of watersports and an independent lifestyle. You will need to possess the skills and knowledge to tackle island life, but this minimalistic and carefree career could one day be yours.
15. Zoologist
If you ask white-collar workers what it’s like in corporate America, many will tell you, “It’s a jungle out there.” Incidentally, Zoologists will say the same thing about their workplace. You’re a scientist who watches, researches, and cares for wildlife. Often employed by universities — and sometimes by zoos, aquariums, museums, and wildlife reserves — you’re a permanent guest of the animal kingdom.

How cool is this?

Happy Job Hunting!



Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My 7 Secrets to Direct Sales Success


1.    Each day I spend 30 minutes doing something related to my personal development. Personal empowerment brings about self-confidence. When we feel good it shows.     

         Walk, Bike, Hike, Run, Meditate, Swim, Stretch, Yoga:
         Simply move...

2.    I spend 10 to 15 minutes each working day with someone who inspires and guides me. Yes, I spend each day talking to that one person who can give me the motivation to stay focused.

We talk on the phone or in person…

3.    I found someone to be accountable too. I have a relationship with someone in my industry who keeps me on me on track. We discuss strategies and what my plans are for the day, the week and sometimes the month.

            I do the same for her…

4.    I joined many networking groups (online and in person). You may feel compelled to just join MLM or Direct Sales groups but spread your wings and join groups that interest you. Ask questions make new friends and eventually they will ask what you do and you can share your passion with them.

Find what truly interests you and gain the knowledge to share it fully….

5.    I plan each and every day, I know well in advance what my calendar will look like for the day and I design my strategy to accomplish each and every item on my plan.

3 to 4 strategies per day, try not to get overwhelmed, be persistent and consistent…

6.    I spend my scheduled working hours in my Direct Sales Business doing only revenue generating tasks. I do not let anyone or anything distract me from my goals during those hours.

Find your focus and stay the course…

7.    I take my work seriously but I never take myself seriously. I laugh all the time at myself and some of the crazy things I do or attempt to do. It really is amazing how much fun your business can be when you let yourself enjoy every minute of it.

Share your strategies with your team and have lots of fun with them. I inspire through laughter, my passion and the crazy stuff I do… Just have fun…



Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why is her business doing so well?

Why do some people seem so successful and others just don’t have the knack?  Why do some businesses fail in the first three years while others have been around for generations?  What makes us go back to one business time and time again, even if the location is inconvenient or there are other impediments?  
It is one simple element:  "It not about the service they provide it’s about the person who has provided the service"

I genuinely love my hair stylist she is funny and talented and always on the mark when it comes to my color.  She has humor, great stories and has more confidence in her talents than seems possible.  She is busy but never lets me see just how busy she is and her salon is one of the hottest places in DC.  She is damn good at her job but not just because she makes me look great but because she makes me feel great. When I arrive for my appointment I’m greeted by name by her receptionist, in a place so busy and large this always amazes me and yet the friendliness makes me feel calm and welcomed. 
This complete and genuine customer service is given to me throughout my visit in her salon.  The reality is I hate going to have my hair done it is a chore of such magnitude I can barely tolerate the thought of it and yet I continue to go back.  Why?  It is definitely not about the service they provide, I can get that anywhere, it is however all about the people who provide me the service.
So the next time you are wondering why your business just doesn’t seem to have the customers you think it should have or you can’t seem to figure out the secret to success. Take the lead from my stylist and her team.  Genuine customer service is still the name of the game.  You are the brand of your business so be the top brand.

Ten steps to great customer service:
  • Be Genuine
  • Be Truthful
  • Be Assertive
  • Be Professional
  • Be Attentive
  • Be Helpful
  • Be Useful
  • Be Fair
  • Be Compassionate
  • Be Friendly
To learn more about taking your business to the next level of success. Feel free to connect with me.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Enrich Your Personal Life

No Business Today...

Most articles I write are all about the enrichment of your business or the enrichment of your professional life. Yes, those articles have a purpose and they are meant to be informative. They do not however give you any guidance on how to overcome the stresses of everyday living and the pressure that comes with our professional daily lives.
Today I want to talk a little bit about your self enrichment and some of the steps you can take to care for your inner being. You know that person behind the successful you.

10 ideas to enrich your personal life:

  • Make time for yourself (10 minutes) to meditate or reflect on your life.
  • Live in the now, living in the moment helps to ground your thoughts and calm the mind.
  • Find a movement that you can do everyday, any physical activity that fits into your lifestyle (walk, run, yoga, stretching, lifting, jumping, biking, boxing, hiking, swimming etc...)
  • Have lunch, dinner or drinks with a good friend.
  • Enjoy laughter with people in your life who make you laugh out loud.
  • Be fun and playful, do things that make you smile, with your spouse, your children or even your pets. This will in turn enrich all of your lives
  • Make love to your partner or just make time for pleasurable moments.
  • Give thanks and gratitude to those around you who make your life easier. 
  • Make time for the special people in your life.
  • Say "I love you!" These three words will give you peace and fill someone else with joy.



Saturday, March 29, 2014

10 Tips to Start a New Business

In today's fast changing technology based and social media environment it is good to remember the basic fundamentals of a new business start-up.

  1. Determine the type of business entity in which you will conduct business. Major choices are sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability (LLC), corporation, or non-profit.
  2. Apply for you Federal Tax ID number. Here is the IRS URL to give you guidance.,,id=98350,00.html
  3. Open a separate business bank account and apply for a business credit card. This will reduce the time and money you spend on bookkeeping, as well as giving you a good view of cash and funds coming in and cash and funds going out. Never mix business with pleasure, best tip of the day.
  4. Set up an accounting system that matches your business needs. There are many flavors to chose from so check out the most popular as well as free software available on open source. Your choice all depends on how complicated your cash flow is.
  5. Set up all the forms you will need to track transactions. This would mean templates for invoicing and receipts. You also may want to set up a system or template for purchase orders, estimates and statements. All of these forms can be found on Quickbooks and other accounting software or online at open space form links.
  6. Make sure you have all of your federal and state business license requirements and any permits you may need. Go to to find out more and check your local state licensing board for local licenses.
  7. Secure business insurance to protect your financial investment.
  8. Create a realistic budget based on a cash flow template. Here is a great one from the SBA,
  9. Make estimated tax deposits every quarter, especially if your business is a sole proprietor, partnership or S-corp. Regular tax planning will prevent surprises when its time to prepare the income tax returns.
  10. 10. Manage your time wisely. Outsource the items you are unable to manage such as accounting, taxes, legal work, marketing, business plan, financial plan and any other business areas that you do not feel confident to tackle. 
You are the soul of your business and it is your job to put out the best product or service you can. So leave the rest of the small stuff to the pros who do this for a living.



Sunday, March 2, 2014

3-Way Calling is Key to Network Marketing Success

Do you have a prospect that wants to join your business or wants to know more about what you do? Then I suggest the best way to engage with your prospect is to implement a 3-way call.

3-way calls can create that personal connection and give you the sponsor credibility. Engaging with a team member or your own up-line helps build a landscape of possibilities to your prospective recruit. They will get a preview of your business and will have the opportunity to see the success that you have created for yourself as well as the success of your up-line expert.
Your prospective recruit also learns how you engage others into the business and knows you will help in this same style of recruitment when it comes time for you to be the up-line expert on a 3 way call.
Getting Started
Starting a 3-way call is easy; just introduce your up-line expert to your potential recruit and your potential recruit to your expert. Make sure you point out their current level of success in the company and how long they have been in the industry. Make sure you point out only the relevant pieces of information that make your expert the best source. You want to create value to your up-line expert and give value to your potential recruit. Explain why you are both on this call but don’t overdo it with needless information. Keep it simple and to the point.
Remember that your up-line expert is responsible for recognizing you as a leader, and a business partner, someone who works hard and is a great source of information and support. If your potential recruit is a friend, they may not know specific details about you in the business world, now they might feel more empowered to know you better. If they don’t know you your up-line expert has now given them a good reason to have met with you.
You have now gained new respect and are empowered to share your success.
Be genuine and honest. These are two simple traits that will set you apart from your competitors.
Let’s Make the Call
·         Before the call, email information about your prospect to up-line expert. Give a brief background of who they are, why they would be a good recruit and give a brief bio of the person if you know it.
·         Practice your 3 way call skills.
·         Make sure you call your prospective recruit before you call your up-line expert.
·         Make introductions and give key facts about them both.(know a little bit about both parties)
·         Let your up-line expert talk about the business and you can ask pointed questions to get the ball rolling. (Have you ever wanted to own your own business, what do you want to learn about first? The business opportunity or the product opportunity? What do you like about this particular direct sales company? Have you ever used our products before?
Your up-line expert will likely spend a few minutes building a personal rapport with your prospective recruit to find out where they live, what they do, what interests they have and what path has led them to you. Then they should share their story and journey into the business. Make sure at this point you share your story. It may be connected to your up-line expert.
Talk about your current team and all you do to assist each other build a successful business. Your team can be the best asset you have. Make sure you treat them with great reverence and show respect.
Make sure your calls last no longer than 20 minutes. If your potential recruit has questions make sure you listen and then tell them you would be happy to email them the materials so they have time to look over the details in their own time.
Create a strong foundation and then Duplicate-Duplicate-Duplicate
If you can duplicate something, you can achieve freedom. Successful network marketing is all about duplication.
Team Work is the Key to Building the Dream
To learn more about Network Marketing Skills join my newsletter circle

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The beauty of style in the workplace

How do you feel about beauty and style in the workplace?

What is your style?

As accomplished women emphasizing our intellectual abilities is always first on the list of priorities. We need to always be the true professional who is secure in our skills and abilities; this is how each of us got to where we are today, this will always be the key factor in where we go tomorrow and how we make our way in the career world. But let’s admit it how you dress matters. Yes, you heard me how you dress matters, how you wear your hair matters, the application of makeup or lack of it matters and how you present yourself matters.

After doing some research to get a feel for how other professionals feel about this topic. I came across a quote from David McKnight the founder of DAMstyle, an image consulting firm in New York. "Professional presentation is critical and we must be constantly aware of the unspoken messages and personal brand that we are communicating to our audience."

Mr. McKnight went on to say “the biggest fashion faux pas that professional women commit stems from not understanding how to dress for their body type. Imitating styles found in magazines or on celebrities is a risk. True professional style must be synchronized to your professional image goals and internal identity, rather than what you see on your favorite fashion blog. Once you define your image goals and embrace your unique identity, then it's time to curate a versatile wardrobe that is inclusive of items that communicate your desired messages to the world, appropriate for any situation or environment."
So how can women navigate the potential land mines of appearing attractive, polished and professional while still conveying a sense of competence and accomplishment?
Well we need create our own style that is professional, polished and stylish. We must keep our hair freshly cut and styled so we can can highlight our best professional features, our makeup needs to be kept to a minimum and looking fresh and above all else we must convey a sense of confidence. Don’t misunderstand my view on this. I just feel that we are women in the workplace and as such we need to be women looking professional not downplaying ourselves to fit into some mold others think we need to be in. That being said I never downplay myself what I do instead is dress in a style that is appropriate for each professional situation I’m about to enter. Frankly I bring my A game with me everywhere I go, that my friend is my best workplace style.
And remember the best accessory a woman can wear is her confidence.



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How do I get the most from my Cosmetology and Skincare Education?

Enrolling in any Beauty School Program is the first step in pursuing a career as a Cosmetologist, Makeup Artist, Nail Technician or Esthetician. In order to make the most of your time spent in school, it is essential to work hard while there, learn as much as possible, listen to your teachers, ask a lot of questions and keep learning. Then practice what you've learned on friends, relatives, school clients, etc.

Here are a few tips from The Health & Style Institute to make it as easy and beneficial as possible.

Prioritize Your Time - When embarking on any pursuit of higher education, it’s essential to prioritize your time. Between your cosmetology courses and working in the salon, it can be difficult to devote time to a social life. While maintaining your mental health is important, carefully choose your evenings out. 
For example, you should consider staying home for the evening if you have an important exam the following day. 
If you begin to feel overwhelmed with your courses and workload, speak with your instructors. All of your instructors have successfully completed cosmetology school and will offer you their expert advice on succeeding in your courses. 
Review Your Notes – Cosmetology students don’t always have to sit in a classroom like other students, but that doesn’t mean that studying can be neglected. You can make sure you keep up with your studies by reviewing notes on a regular basis. Whether you take handwritten notes, type notes, or have a photographic memory, you should take some time to review the lesson you learned in your last class before you arrive for your next session. 
Spend Extra Time Studying Hard Topics – You may find yourself having more success with some cosmetology topics than with others. If so, it is important to spend more time studying or practicing those you find more difficult. Most students find strengths and weaknesses during their time in school. Take any available opportunity to spend more time studying and practicing the topics that you find hardest, and ask for additional guidance from your teachers and mentors. 
Follow State Board or International Protocols When Practicing – Once you have advanced in your education to labs and student salon activities, follow state board protocols in all your actions, such as sanitizing hands, putting used tools in your soiled container, using a gloves when required and always following the directions of your instructor. Implementing those protocols during practice will further embed the behaviors in your memory so they become as natural as breathing. You’ll have more than enough to remember when you’re taking your state board exam, so anything that becomes automatic in your actions prior to then, will be one less thing to remember.
Study with Friends - While some topics can easily be reviewed at home on your own, there are other areas in which you can benefit from having a study partner or study group. You can ask a few of your fellow cosmetology students if they would like to start a study group. Meet up once or twice a week to discuss the various lessons learned that week. This will allow you to get another point of view on certain techniques and catch up on lessons you may have missed or have difficulty with. 
Ask for Help - Teachers and administrators are there to help you; our Health and Style Institute staff wants you to succeed. Trying to power through the program on your own can leave you missing out on valuable knowledge. If there is something that you do not understand, ask for clarification. If at some point in your program you are experiencing transportation, child care, or other personal obstacles that may jeopardize your progress, communicate with the staff to work out a solution or to find out about student support services that may help you overcome your challenge. 
Take Care of Your Equipment - During any cosmetology program, you will be provided with equipment that helps you learn the skills you need to succeed in the beauty industry. Once you receive your equipment and products, which may include professional products, curling irons, 4-in-one machines, lab coats, manicure kits and textbooks, it is important to take care of it. The better care you take of your equipment, the more useful it will be toward your education and your state board exams. 
Stay Dedicated to your Learning - Throughout your education, it is important to continue to build onto your knowledge base. Practice your new skills. Look through hair, skin, nail and style magazines to stay on top of the latest trends and tips. Talk to your teachers about their careers, and ask for advice. There are an unlimited amount of resources available to you at your school; it is up to you to take advantage of them. 
Practice your people skills - The key to success in the beauty industry is repeat customers that's where good interpersonal communication comes in. If you truly care about people and you love what you do, that will shine through. But if your people skills are lacking, it'll be tough to secure repeat business, no matter how good your technical skills. Your school can work with you to improve in these areas as well. Succeeding in a beauty career requires working well with others and understanding their needs and desires, from the common to the quirky. 
Prepare for interviews and attend career development workshops - Unlike in other occupations, interviews for beauty and wellness jobs include a practical component. If you're a massage therapist, you'll be asked to give a massage. If you're a nail tech, you'll be required to do someone's nails. There's no bluffing your way through a job interview in the beauty industry you either have what it takes (and what a particular spa or salon is looking for), or you don't. Be prepared that if your interviewers offer feedback while you're doing your service, to incorporate their suggestions, which requires thinking on your feet. You’ll need to be able to show that you can tailor your services to the individual. 
Stay positive- Some days may seem overwhelming; some days may even seem a little boring. Keep focused on your goal, make the most of each day and each learning opportunity and before long, you’ll be looking back at your school days wondering where the time went.

So take the most from your post secondary education and use it to create your future.



Thursday, January 2, 2014


Every Year I sit down on Jan 1st and map out my coming year. Yes friends I sit down at my computer and create my goals. I do this in a somewhat orderly fashion and break out my goals into quarters.
2014 Goal Worksheet©
This year was particularly difficult because I currently have many irons in the fire, as they say! Yet as my husband would say "you always have a lot of irons in the fire, now if only we could get you to focus on just one, we would be very wealthy."
Well he is probably right but I just can't help myself. I enjoy living my life to the fullest and I love doing many things and my favorite of course is sharing knowledge with others. So today I'm going to share my goals as well as my goal worksheet.

In 2014 I have 3 specific areas of goals I have to map out.

1. Women in Gear
  • What projects can I create that will have benefits to assist others this year?
  • What marketing and outreach will I do to share my workshops with others?
  • What steps will I take to spend more time creating a better blog?
  • What tradeshows will I attend I reach out to a biggest audience?
2. Younique Products Direct Sales Presenter
  • How will I share my company products this year?
  • What steps will I take to deliver better customer service?
  • How can I show more customers the benefits of becoming a presenter?
  • What marketing avenues will I take to create a better business?
3. Instructor & Operations Coordinator Esthetic Institute
  • How can I improve my teaching skills?
  • How can I deliver a better product to the company I contract with?
  • How can I manage my time better to give EI a the best of me?
  • What can I do to assist the EI team to become the best Institute in the country?
Friends these are the type of
questions you ask yourself as you begin the process of creating your Goal Worksheet. It is about how you take yourself from where you are today to a step ahead tomorrow.
Goals are just the pathway into planning your best year yet.

