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Women In Gear: School of Makeup Artistry
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How do I work a full time job and successfully work my Direct Sales Business?


I am asked this question often and more often than not I am not asked this very important question.
When I meet with a business partner and their business is struggling, and I ask what might be the biggest issue they are facing, the answer is usually “I just don’t have enough time”.

Ask my friend Regan about my speech on time. She will howl with laughter and tell you not to get me started…

But the answer is simple; to have a successful Direct Sales Business it requires a well laid out plan. You must know what your action items are for each day and the strategy has to be laid out in a way that you will only need an hour each day to accomplish it.

Before or after work, find a comfortable spot at your workplace or even in your car. Believe it or not working in your car can be a perfect place to get things done, it’s quiet and offers you a place that is all yours while getting your action items completed for the day.

If you are working an 8-9 hour a day job and need to work your business during the day then here is the truth. We each need to take potty breaks. So my advice is to use them wisely. If you need to answer questions or post your daily pics or need to connect then by all means do it, post on the pot!

If you are unable to do this then get yourself an auto-posting program such as Pagemodo or Hootsuite. These programs can help you post daily. But if you need to reach out and connect with people this will require your personal time. So make a list and plan your strategy and carve out the hour each day you are going to do this. If you are hosting party’s remember most successful parties happen between 8-9pm and I get some of my best responses from people when I reach out to them at 10-11pm.

Each morning before you even get out of bed wake up an hour early and post your IG post, your Google + post, your first FB post of the day and so on. If you are prepared you will already have figured out what your posts are going to be the day before.
Know what personal message you are going to send to 10-15 people each day. Have a list of contacts laid out and a very fun and friendly message ready to send.
Scroll through your list of contacts and comment and like on pictures of people who are not in your news feed.

In short the strategy has to have a plan and then the plan has to be executed and then it has to be done everyday. Even on the weekends. You’re going to only achieve maximum exposure by daily and consistent working of your business, even if you only get to do it and hour or two a day.



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