Question 1: Are you happy?
Question 2: Are you successful?
Whether you know it or not you can have both in your life.
Why does it seem so often that we have different answers to these two questions? Today I want you to include happiness in your definition of success, and, as you work toward your goals in the future I hope you have happiness written into that equation. It will be so much easier for you to get up and go-go-go every day if you are fulfilled in every area, not just in your idea of what business success looks like.
Success doesn’t have to look a particular way. It can look however you want it to look. You have permission to design the life that works for you. Demand that your priorities matter, you have permission to create your business strategies with “happy” in mind, goals that match and support your life stage, grow your company and your career at a rate that works with your personal agenda, and keeps your health, relationships, and personal fulfillment at the center of everything.
Because what’s the point of success that doesn’t include your happiness?!
Cheers to happiness and success in your business!
Toni Thomas
#SeekJoy #BusinessHappiness #WorkingInJoy