How does having confidence affect your professional life? Do you need an aura of confidence to be successful? Do you have to feel confident to get the job done or get the job of your dreams? I have done a lot of listening to the groups of folks I meet every day and I hear how their own personal confidence can affect their professional lives. I also hear how confidence can affect their personal lives. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every area of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. People who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful as they see success both professionally and personally. They tend to do a lot of self defeating actions, often times without realizing they are even doing them.
The same can be said and can be almost the opposite in the case of those who are over confident. This personal attribute almost always comes off looking like arrogance. Where is the contented middle and how does a person display a healthy amount of confidence to gain personal as well as professional success.
I’m a firm believer that self-confidence is an attribute that is learned and we must practice that which is not always comfortable for us until it becomes second nature. This is basically the process of forming habits and what better habit to have then exuding self confidence to yourself and to those around you. We spend our days passing through situations that require us to be self-assured and comfortable, many types of conversations and many types of interactions. We are measured by our projected first impressions to others and to those who know us and we must possess one attribute to accomplish daily success. Self Confidence…
I expect you all to wonder and ask “how do I show confidence in every situation especially a situation where I’m the least knowledgeable person in the room?” How do I present confidence when I enter a situation where I am on unfamiliar ground? Truth be told you fake it. No I don’t mean be deceitful but I mean exude an aura of self assuredness this is a measure of self confidence. This I hope will become a habit and an avenue to fake out fear and fake out self doubt just roll into any situation carrying yourself strong and assured. I watch men do it all the time, it is time women learned this small but very important technique.
Practice Practice Practice
Confidence will then just be second nature to you…